Sunday, October 17, 2010

Trying to Make This Blog User Friendly

It was great to hear from so many of you that you have subscribed to Skipperette's Log. Some of you are having trouble so I am trying to make it more user friendly. I am sure I will continue to tweak it as I learn more about Blogger and Flickr.

Right now I am having trouble myself: I can't figure out how to post photos in the Flickr area and I don't know where to find the place where you can make comments. So I can understand your frustration, too!

You can always just go to to read the latest. If you register with one of the feed links on the right or at the bottom of the page, you will receive any updates by email. Hopefully I will get this all worked out before we head offshore and out of email range. Do continue to let me know what challenges you are having so I can address them in the next few days.

NOTE: I have also learned that sometimes an older post disappears. When I click on HOME at the end of the post, the others show again. You can move between current, older and newer ones. I hope this helps and I welcome any tips you may have, too.

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