Such a lively and colorful place! |
We have found Port Vila to be a great place! Often the port towns are disappointing, so we were pleasantly surprised by the sophistication of this one. It has its traditional food and handicraft markets, but it also has a number of stores and attractions. One of my favorite areas is the handicraft market where the women will sew something for you right on the spot. There is a women's cooperative handicraft market in a building as well as this one near the waterfront. They do not push their wares or make you feel uncomfortable to just look.

I love these handmade baskets! |
My second most favorite stop is always at the food market. It is also lively and colorful. This one is especially crowded as it has a food court area as well. The aisle are filled with baskets of produce, stacks of pumpkins, rows of watermelon. I nearly made a scene when my foot got tangled in a rope and started to fall with my arms loaded with bags of goodies. I now scout out safer places to weave though the stalls.
It is mostly women working in the market here. They are
wearing the traditional "Mother Hubbard" dresses. |
One thing about this place is the French influence. That is, how wonderful is the French patisserie! It required a stop for break - and a treat. There are several Chinese restaurants. One in particular is very good: Golden Port. It is on the hill above the mooring field. We went there twice: once with the Germans and once with the Brits!
He couldn't even wait for the cappuccino
to arrive at the table! |
There are many talented artists selling their work in
cooperatives and stores. |
Wood carving is a popular art form, but it needs to be
certified if you want to enter other countries with it. |
We spent a day hiking through the lower and upper levels of Port Vila. The shops are down near the waterfront and the Parliament, schools and museum are all up on top of the hill. It is a bit of a winding climb up there and it was a hot sunny day. Even though I complained about the walk, the museum was very interesting. So I was glad I did it. Although, you can take a taxi up and walk down.
A view of the harbor from the hilltop. |
Dennis and Sherry - It was great reading about your views and history of Vanuatu which brought back memories when Sondra and I where there. I liked the photograph that shows Iririki Island Resort in the background. Your writing is enjoyable to read. Hope all is well. Stuart